Monday, November 2, 2009


exams are over and holidays have officially started.
and in this short 3 days so far, i have been indulging myself in TV series.

thanks to jon easaw, i manage to get my hands on F.R.I.E.N.D.S. season 1 and 2. (i'm missing season 1-episode 2)

a very nice series to follow. i recommend this series to everyone. those who are bored to death from the sem break will surely be jolted back to life. its reali reali funny.

for those who's been living in a jungle and had never heard of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. tv series, its basically about this bunch of ppl together and how their lives affect each other. its a story of daily life. how each and everyone of them complained that their life sucks but made it hilariously funny and worth while after that.

but here's the thing.... the more and more i watch this series, the more I feel a sense of de ja vu... it all seemed quite familiar. And so i continued to watch and watch and watch. until it finally hit me. its like i've seen all this before. well, more or less.

Do u see any resemblance with this........

and this?

hahaha! this is the crazy bunch of ppl i have been hanging out with for this year. although i dont always agree with them but they are undoubtedly my good friends. all of us with different past, different stories and totally different backgrounds. its kinda funny how things get tangled up in the way and how we met now that i think back again. awesome bunch of ppl. we're not all perfect but hey, we're people and we're still learning.

i dont have to introduce name by name now, do i?u know who u are.

and who knows, mayb in 10 years time, we might juz end up like them... or mayb not...

but the group picture above is not quite complete. we forgot the person BEHIND the camera... it is no other than Mr. Lee Jun Guan. But thankfully, in this modern age and time we have something known as "Photoshop cs2". its been a long time since i've ever used it properly. but anyhow, i will try my best.
(15 minutes later....)
Much Better! Now, everyone's here.

p/s: i have no idea y my legs are like that. mayb i'm not too fond of geese.

well, till nxt time! gonna continue watching now. and i will do so until i get a call from borders.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what happened to joel lim?? why he looks so funny in the pic? hahahahaha