Friday, April 24, 2009

soul searching

i'm into self discover recently....
i have been taking weird quizzes after weird quizzes(especially from facebook) as some might notice...

i believe simple questions reali do tell alot about a person.

i find the results for this quiz quite interesting. i remember taking this short quiz when i was still in christian fellowship form 1(or form 2). and recently came across it again....

according to the quiz, my dominant side is tilting towards a Phlegmatic.

Strengths of a Phlegmatic
The Introvert | The Watcher | The Pessimist

The Phlegmatic's Emotions

* Low-key personality
* Easygoing and relaxed
* Calm, cool and collected
* Patient well balanced
* Consistent life
* Quiet but witty
* Sympathetic and kind
* Keeps emotions hidden
* Happily reconciled to life
* All-purpose person

The Phlegmatic As A Parent

* Makes a good parent
* Takes time for the children
* Is not in a hurry
* Can take the good with the bad
* Doesn't get upset easily

The Phlegmatic At Work

* Competent and steady
* Peaceful and agreeable
* Has administrative ability
* Mediates problems
* Avoids conflicts
* Good under pressure
* Finds the easy way

The Phlegmatic As a Friend

* Easy to get along with
* Pleasant and enjoyable
* Inoffensive
* Good listener
* Dry sense of humor
* Enjoys watching people
* Has many friends
* Has compassion and concern

Weaknesses of a Phlegmatic
The Introvert | The Watcher | The Pessimist

The Phlegmatic's Emotions

* Unenthusiastic
* Fearful and worried
* Indecisive
* Avoids responsibility
* Quiet will of iron
* Selfish
* To shy and reticent
* Too compromising
* Self-righteous

The Phlegmatic As A Parent

* Lax on discipline
* Doesn't organize home
* Takes life too easy

The Phlegmatic At Work

* Not goal oriented
* Lacks self motivation
* Hard to get moving
* Resents being pushed
* Lazy and careless
* Discourages others
* Would rather watch

The Phlegmatic As a Friend

* Dampens enthusiasm
* Stays uninvolved
* Is not exciting
* Indifferent to plans
* Judges others
* Sarcastic and teasing
* Resists change

hmm... sounds alike.

for those who wants to try this out as well, u may go to :

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