Sunday, April 5, 2009

A story to remember

yes, agree with jun guan.... i shall steal his idea n put it here too... hahaha!

it may seem meaningless by juz reading this simple biography...
but when u SEE for urself who is he TODAY then it will reali mean something.
The things he does n how he does it.

before it is deleted together with the EEE 1103 group, let it be immortalised here.

"Many students are facing difficulty in applying theories into
practical work.

My experience is rather different from many lecturers. I started
working as a technician when I was 20 years old. My "laboratory" was
at the production floor. I trained myself to apply theories by working
backwards. When I see a practical result or symptom, I'll ask myself
why that happen? I'll start searching for the answer through reading
articles which were relevant. Many called this the "top-down
approach". Years after years of self-training, I eventually picked up
the skill. I believe I'm not a high-IQ person but I definitely have
passion for electronics - I see them as toys.

I believe many students are learning the basics from books - but
engineering is not just about learning from books. Reference books are
very ideal, I called them the "wallpaper" - they simply look nice on
the monitor screen, you don't really get the same when you are dealing
with the real stuff. Reading a lot will surely enhance your knowledge,
but you need the WISDOM to apply the correct knowledge at the correct
place. Sometimes you might even need to trial and error to gain the
wisdom. Too bad there are no short-cuts to this.

Do projects, troubleshoot projects that do not work, read magazines
related to electronics, visit forums in the web that discuss on these
topics, join the discussion - make all these your hobby. Don't treat
them as your duty or as a task for examination, if you do then you'll
never excel from what you are pursuing. "

Kind regards,
TW Chan.

i may forget the theories you taught but never the skill and the values.


kyle said...

hey!!! who's that guy? is he TW Chan???

story of a marcus said...

Mr. Chan Tse Wei, a lecturer from my college. best one i met so far.

kyle said...

wow, he thought me ADD MATHS and maths (form 2 and 3) before. he used to have a tuition class... n his home is filled with circuit boards...

he's a funny guy yet sometimes he "can" gets serious if u did not manage to accomplish something he had ordered u to do (he gets really mad with my add maths "ability"... bt quite suprised of my ability to do vectors [top in da class *ahem*]

p/s if u wanna visit him, go to sg nibong (i'll gv u da add if u want... hmmn)